4,624 research outputs found

    Quantum Degenerate Systems

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    Degenerate dynamical systems are characterized by symplectic structures whose rank is not constant throughout phase space. Their phase spaces are divided into causally disconnected, nonoverlapping regions such that there are no classical orbits connecting two different regions. Here the question of whether this classical disconnectedness survives quantization is addressed. Our conclusion is that in irreducible degenerate systems --in which the degeneracy cannot be eliminated by redefining variables in the action--, the disconnectedness is maintained in the quantum theory: there is no quantum tunnelling across degeneracy surfaces. This shows that the degeneracy surfaces are boundaries separating distinct physical systems, not only classically, but in the quantum realm as well. The relevance of this feature for gravitation and Chern-Simons theories in higher dimensions cannot be overstated.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    PPLN Waveguide for Quantum Communication

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    We report on energy-time and time-bin entangled photon-pair sources based on a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide. Degenerate twin photons at 1314 nm wavelength are created by spontaneous parametric down-conversion and coupled into standard telecom fibers. Our PPLN waveguide features a very high conversion efficiency of about 10^(-6), roughly 4 orders of magnitude more than that obtained employing bulk crystals. Even if using low power laser diodes, this engenders a significant probability for creating two pairs at a time - an important advantage for some quantum communication protocols. We point out a simple means to characterize the pair creation probability in case of a pulsed pump. To investigate the quality of the entangled states, we perform photon-pair interference experiments, leading to visibilities of 97% for the case of energy-time entanglement and of 84% for the case of time-bin entanglement. Although the last figure must still be improved, these tests demonstrate the high potential of PPLN waveguide based sources to become a key element for future quantum communication schemesComment: 11 pages, 9 figures, submitted to the European Physical Journal D (special issue of the Quick conference

    Broadband integrated beam splitter using spatial adiabatic passage

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    Light routing and manipulation are important aspects of integrated optics. They essentially rely on beam splitters which are at the heart of interferometric setups and active routing. The most common implementations of beam splitters suffer either from strong dispersive response (directional couplers) or tight fabrication tolerances (multimode interference couplers). In this paper we fabricate a robust and simple broadband integrated beam splitter based on lithium niobate with a splitting ratio achromatic over more than 130 nm. Our architecture is based on spatial adiabatic passage, a technique originally used to transfer entirely an optical beam from a waveguide to another one that has been shown to be remarkably robust against fabrication imperfections and wavelength dispersion. Our device shows a splitting ratio of 0.52±\pm 0.03 and 0.48±\pm 0.03 from 1500\,nm up to 1630\,nm. Furthermore, we show that suitable design enables the splitting in output beams with relative phase 0 or π\pi. Thanks to their independence to material dispersion, these devices represent simple, elementary components to create achromatic and versatile photonic circuits

    A quantum relay chip based on telecommunication integrated optics technology

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    We investigate an integrated optical circuit on lithium niobate designed to implement the teleportation-based quantum relay scheme for one-way quantum communication at a telecom wavelength. Such an advanced quantum circuit merges for the first time, both optical-optical and electro-optical non-linear functions necessary to implement the desired on-chip single qubit teleportation. On one hand, spontaneous parametric down-conversion is used to produce entangled photon-pairs. On the other hand, we take advantage of two photon routers, consisting of electro-optically controllable couplers, to separate the paired photons and to perform a Bell state measurement, respectively. After having validated all the individual functions in the classical regime, we have performed a Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) experiment to mimic a one-way quantum communication link. Such a quantum effect, seen as a prerequisite towards achieving teleportation, has been obtained, at one of the routers, when the chip was coupled to an external single photon source. The two-photon interference pattern shows a net visibility of 80%, which validates the proof of principle of a "quantum relay circuit" for qubits carried by telecom photons. In case of optimized losses, such a chip could increase the maximal achievable distance of one-way quantum key distribution links by a factor 1.8. Our approach and results emphasize the high potential of integrated optics on lithium niobate as a key technology for future reconfigurable quantum information manipulation.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Polarization entangled photon-pair source based on quantum nonlinear photonics and interferometry

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    We present a versatile, high-brightness, guided-wave source of polarization entangled photons, emitted at a telecom wavelength. Photon-pairs are generated using an integrated type-0 nonlinear waveguide, and subsequently prepared in a polarization entangled state via a stabilized fiber interferometer. We show that the single photon emission wavelength can be tuned over more than 50 nm, whereas the single photon spectral bandwidth can be chosen at will over more than five orders of magnitude (from 25 MHz to 4 THz). Moreover, by performing entanglement analysis, we demonstrate a high degree of control of the quantum state via the violation of the Bell inequalities by more than 40 standard deviations. This makes this scheme suitable for a wide range of quantum optics experiments, ranging from fundamental research to quantum information applications. We report on details of the setup, as well as on the characterization of all included components, previously outlined in F. Kaiser et al. (2013 Laser Phys. Lett. 10, 045202).Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Spitzer Observations of Interstellar Object 1I/`Oumuamua

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    1I/`Oumuamua is the first confirmed interstellar body in our Solar System. Here we report on observations of `Oumuamua made with the Spitzer Space Telescope on 2017 November 21--22 (UT). We integrated for 30.2~hours at 4.5 micron (IRAC channel 2). We did not detect the object and place an upper limit on the flux of 0.3 uJy (3sigma). This implies an effective spherical diameter less than [98, 140, 440] meters and albedo greater than [0.2, 0.1, 0.01] under the assumption of low, middle, or high thermal beaming parameter eta, respectively. With an aspect ratio for `Oumuamua of 6:1, these results correspond to dimensions of [240:40, 341:57, 1080:180] meters, respectively. We place upper limits on the amount of dust, CO, and CO2 coming from this object that are lower than previous results; we are unable to constrain the production of other gas species. Both our size and outgassing limits are important because `Oumuamua's trajectory shows non-gravitational accelerations that are sensitive to size and mass and presumably caused by gas emission. We suggest that `Oumuamua may have experienced low-level post-perihelion volatile emission that produced a fresh, bright, icy mantle. This model is consistent with the expected eta value and implied high albedo value for this solution, but, given our strict limits on CO and CO2, requires another gas species --- probably H2O --- to explain the observed non-gravitational acceleration. Our results extend the mystery of `Oumuamua's origin and evolution